In the book of Job, Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, and the Tower of Babel God shows examples of God being insecure and wanting humans to prove their love to him. In the Book of Job Job never does anything wrong and is faithful towards God. However Satan doesn't believe that job is really faithful towards God. He thinks the job just shows his love to God because of his good life. God and Satan decide to test job do this by taking away everything Job loves hurting him and his family. He wanted to see if after all this pain Job is still faithful to God. After everything Job loved it was taken away or destroyed he still showed his face towards God. But then he develops sores on his body head to toe. Then Job was getting mad he started to curse the day he was born and not showing his faith towards God. However I believe Job I have the right to not show his face towards God. God was being unfair and cruel towards him and he was always a good person he did not deserve this. He's not the only time in the old testament that God is cruel for no good reason. The story of Abraham God tells him to kill his only son Isaac. He wanted him to kill his son Isaac to prove that he loved him and to prove his power. However God is very cruel sometimes and he shouldn't act this way. If God is really Almighty and so powerful he should realize that everyone should love him and he doesn't have to hurt people or ruin their life's to do this. Overall though I believe God is still a good person. But he should realize that being cruel to people won't make them love him more than anything it will ruins peoples faith in God. In both stories Abraham and Job never did anything wrong they were perfect people and yet God still decided to curse them. This shows the unfairness of God in both stories.
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